Saturday, March 9, 2013


This week in class we learned how to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems with negatives added to the mix. We learned how to solve these problems using the number line method and counters.

Addition: For addition we solved the problems by starting at the first number and depending on the sign in front of the second number we would count left or right on the number line, left for negative and right for positive.

I will be using the problem -8-7 for this example. When we started we were asked to try and solve -8-7 how we thought and then we were shown how the book says to do it, which confused everyone. Then we were shown how to do it by showing the difference.

For multiplication i will be using the problems 2x5, 5x2, -5x2, 5x-2, and -5x-2. multiplication was the most difficult so far because sometimes, the way we were doing it at first, we were drawing 2x5 and 5x2 the same way when they should have looked different while coming up with the same answer. 5x2 is 5 groups of 2, while 2x5 is 2 groups of 5.


  1. I really liked how you made a point of including all three ways that the task could be accomplished. I appreciate that you included your notes from class so it was easy to actually follow your methods. I also found your summaries for each helpful.

  2. I liked how you explained the different methods that could be used for each, and your pictures were very helpful. Seeing your notes from class also made your descriptions easy to follow and solidified what you were trying to say.
